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Social networks v collaboration tools | CTO Blog | Capgemini...

  collaboration tools which are task centric and knowledge management tools which are content centric, social networks are people centric. In essence they are the chance corridor meeting, or the informal question to the person at the next desk, as a virtual environment covering many more people than the physical medium. Metcalf's law successful business issues answered are tagged 'benefit' managers . can see who are the experts on the various topics, the individuals with real e... [more]

Summit Agenda | Social Intranet Summit

Vancouver Summit Agenda | Social Intranet Summit

About Automation

Automation is impacting today's desk workers the way it did for yesterday's factory workers, thereby forcing workers to bring value in ways that computers never can, he says. Technology « 52LTD Blog

Simple yet hard Questions for Social Media Platform Projects

Let's build (yet another) platform .? What interactions should be framed? What content should this interactions be based on? Why should "users" do this on this platform / in this space? What should the "editing" (interaction) interfaces look like? Es gibt kein Informtionssystem im Konjunktiv (würden, . vgl. Gabi's Open Review Artikel)   Würden Forschende - egal ob Studierende, Doktoranden, Postdocs oder Professoren - die Ergebnisse ihrer Reche... [more]

Do's and Don'ts for Your Work's Social Platforms - Andrew Mc...

http://blogs.hbr.org/hbr/mcafee/2010/09/dos-and-donts-for-your-works-s.html  on the Do's "Talk about . and finished goods" : usually this is "never" done except for quickly (few clicks!) sharing artefacts e.g. the latest presentation. "broadcast your ignorance from time to time": I like this wording. "give non-work stuff its own dedicated place": ideally some tags like "off topic" or "fun" should be sufficient to separate this "space" on the dont's "Debates and disagree... [more]

Web 2.0 im Unternehmen: Warum ignorante Führungskrä...

Frank Roebers at its best ;-) Web 2.0 im Unternehmen: Warum ignorante Führungskräfte ein Risiko darstellen - computerwoche.de http://www.web-zweinull-unternehmen.de/

M$ Der deutsche Education Blog

Klassische Lehrmittel reichen nicht aus, um Wissen zu vermitteln. Das bestätigten 78 Prozent der befragten Lehrer in einer Infratest-Umfrage aus dem Februar dieses Jahres. Moderne Informationstechnologie findet daher zunehmend Einsatz im Unterricht und im Lernprozess. Auf "Der deutsche Education Blog" finden Lehrkräfte, Schulleiter und IT-Verantwortliche in Schulen und Universitäten, aber auch Schüler und Studenten aktuelle Informationen zum sinnvollen Einsatz von neuen Technologien. Ex... [more]

Dave Snowden on When to Capure Knowledge

  Now I agree that at the time knowledge capture is more effective than after action review on grounds of better recall, but also because the way we know things in the field is not the way we describe them when questioned. This latter point which has been known for some time and together with issues on question bias in interviews completely undermines traditional systems analysis and consultancy methods by the way, but such practices continue never the less. . Common context requi... [more]

Alles wird immer kleiner (Fragmentierung)

slide 18 http://www.slideshare.net/darmano/social-business-by-design [more]

On Strong and Weak Ties (Paper by DiMicco and Millen)

Anna and I spent last summer figuring out which user behaviors on Beehive indicate that two IBMers have a strong or weak relationship, and then further determining which behaviors reflect a professional versus a personal closeness. As you might expect, many behaviors on the site indicate general closeness, but a few are reflective of personal closeness only. Come to our talk to find out the details! (or, read the paper.) A Wu, JM DiMicco, DR Millen. (2010) "Detecting Professio... [more]

Clay Shirky about Collapse by Complexity

Collapse is simply the last remaining method of simplification.  The Collapse of Complex Business Models « Clay Shirky via D.Weinberger via  dreig (twitter)

Abstrac for PhD Thesis – new (thanks to seb)

Personal weblogs are an established medium of communication in the Internet. Like other forms of social media, they have been pushing into firewalled intranets of organisations for years. Potential benefits are supposed to be in the field of organisational knowledge management. The interdisciplinary thesis of Ehms tries to uncover how far these expectations are justified, if an organisational offer for blogging gets accepted by employees, what forms of use emerge, and what benefit is possible fo... [more]

Gedanken zum Knowledge Jam

The Siemens Blogosphere is a globally available social networking platform that builds on personal relevant (micro)content. gobally available: part of the intranet portal, uses the single sign on service and is linked to the corporate employee directory - active users from 40 countries personal relevant (micro)content: content streams consist of entries of different forms and length plus comments social networking: open commenting, links, overview pages and tagging foster networking... [more]

Buch: Die Ich-Sender via media-TREFF.de

In der kurzen Einführung lernen die Leser Max, seines Zeichens Marketing-Mann der alten Schule, agierend nach den 3K: konservativ, klassisch, kostenscheu, kennen. Anhand seiner Fehler und Probleme zeigt Künnekens auf was passieren kann, wenn man sich gänzlich vor neuen Kommunikationsformen verschließt. media-TREFF.de Zusammengefasst liefert das Buch ein solides Grundgerüst für einen erfolgreichen Einstieg im Bereich Social Media. Und auch wer bereits erste Erfahrungen gesammelt hat, be... [more]

US-Medienstudie: Die Lage ist prekär (heise)

Die Prognosen sind nicht gut: Das Marktforschungsunternehmen Veronis Suhler Stevenson schätzt, dass wenn die Krise im Jahr 2013 überwunden ist, der Werbeumsatz von Zeitungen, Fernsehen und Radio im Vergleich zu 2006 um 41 Prozent geschrumpft sein wird. Die Zeit läuft den klassischen Medien davon. Wie wird denn da "Krise" definiert? Als Abwärtsbewegung? heise online - US-Medienstudie: Die Lage ist prekär Knapp 80 Prozent der Online-Nutzer klicken nie auf eine Anzeige. Überraschung! S... [more]
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