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Quotes on KM2.0 and Complexity

WEB 2.0 advocates, as to Snowden, ignore the complexity of the people and organizations.We all are complex systems, not flat ones: ''Complexity is also the science of uncertainty and with it goes what I call the paradox of control. If you aim to influence, but not design evolution you have more control than if you attempt to design an ideal system'' (Snowden, 2007).

In order to social compute the right, multiple channels of sharing must be available: ''Social computing is not about selecting a tool based on pre-determined criteria, it is about allowing multiple tools to co-evolve with each other, people and environments so that new patterns of
stable interaction form, and destabilise as needed to reform in new and contextually appropriate ways'' (Snowden, 2007).


taken from Moria, Levy (2009). WEB 2.0 implications on knowledge
management. Journal of Knowledge Management.

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