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Andrew Keen Videos

next09 video - Oxford Panel video via Andrew Keen's homepage




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Andrew KEEN - Cult of the Amatuer
Next Revolution is Institution
human built constraints

Industrial Capitalsim CREATED Masses
Williamson: "There are no Masses"

What is replacing industrial capitalism
- participants and analyziers at the same time
- in the digital revolution

Radical Individualism

Institutions are being weakened ... beeing replaces by WHAT?
- new kind of radical individualism
- developped side by side with industrial capitalism
- radical individualism
- institutions undermine humanity

Idea has reached it's moment ... KE: has met its technology ???
Mid 19 Century: idea: technology would liberate us

free market -> (no external control) -> oligarchy
level plain field -> the big guys run the show
cult of innovation / authenticity

when wall mart come on the tv and talk about innovation
when nike  tells you that their new shoe is authentic
when walkers crisps tells you that eating a package of salt and vinegar is a meaningful experience
what the f* is going on
-> rampant free market


Douglass C. North : GARBAGE !
"Institutions are humanly devised constraints that shape human interactions."
siehe: http://www.matkuch1.de/tutnorth.htm +++
(s.a. http://www.springerlink.com/content/l50522h67857703j/
Institution, Netzwerk, Individuum. Ein Vergleich von Douglass C. North und Harrison C. White
Wieviel Subjekt braucht die Theorie?
Arbeit entwickelt er Stück für Stück seine Theorie des institutionellen Wandels, die sich immer stärker vom Effizienz- und Rationalitätsparadigma der neoklassischen Sicht von Institutionen anwendet. Ökonomie/Soziologie/Philosophie; KE )

evangelical thinkers ("cheer leaders") vs. analysts
they are working from within the doctrin

Williams 1958

ajkeen on twitter ...

Moderator: knowledge and OBSERVATION

radical individualisms -> competetive
ironic tragedy: radical individualism -> side effect -> kills privacy
to be a winner: reveal yourself ; privacy as an economic sin

follower, self-promotion

Stewart Mills, On Liberty, public and private self

On Libery - importance balance between public and private self

Not enough skeptists


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